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Comfort 2013-14

Hot Water Bottle

This piece portrays the every day appeal and comforting warmth of the hot water bottle, tainted with a jarring visual representation of our own mortality.  When held this object creates another juxtposition as the chill of the ceramic clashes with the heat of its original purpose. This serves as a reminder of our need to find comfort in things to cope with an unavoidable truth, thus creating an un-comforting comfort object.

Textile, ceramic



This piece portrays the every day appeal and warm comforting glow of a lamp, an object traditional in our homes that help us feel at ease in the drakness. However whilst providing that all too familular glow this object also illuminates the idea of mortality. This serves as a reminder of our need to find comfort in things to cope with an unavoidable truth, thus creating an un-comforting comfort object.

Textile, ceramic, raw lighting rod, light fixtures

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